Realign Your Energies in Sacred Teotihuacan

Teotihuacan Equinox Experience: A Return to Inner Harmony

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Teotihuacan, State of Mexico, Mexico 7 DAYS

Welcome to The Equinox Experience

The Fall Equinox is the one day of the year that strikes a balance ☯️ between the light day and the dark of night. 

The energy of this Equinox is amplified by the eclipse season which falls immediately before and after this retreat that we have designed to help you realign with your inner equilibrium during what can be an otherwise turbulent time of transition. 

Nestled among the ancient pyramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico, The Equinox Experience offers a sacred space to reconnect with yourself and the natural world. Here are a few of the highlights to look forward to:

☯️ Immerse yourself in authentic excursions to sacred sites, guided by local experts who share the rich history and spiritual significance of the region.

☯️ Savor delicious, locally-sourced meals that nourish both body and soul

☯️ Unwind in comfortable accommodations that blend modern comfort with traditional Mexican charm.

☯️ Connect with a community of open-hearted, courageous spiritual warriors 

Whether you're seeking clarity, renewal, or simply a deeper connection with yourself, this retreat offers the perfect opportunity to reset and realign. Embrace the magic of the Equinox Experience and discover a profound sense of balance in the heart of Teotihuacan.


On our sacred journey you will experience...

Chakra Alignment and Healing

  • Through daily guided meditations and practices, you will experience a realignment of your 7 chakras, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Transformational Experiences

  • Through ritual, such as a rebirthing ceremony, visits to sacred lands & intimate talking circles, you will have the opportunity to release negative emotions, limiting beliefs and painful past experiences in order to welcome new beginnings.

Increased Vitality and Energy

  • Balanced chakras and holistic healing practices will result in increased physical energy and vitality, leaving you feeling rejuvenated.

Connection to Ancient Wisdom & Sacred Lands

  • Learn about the history of the ancestors of these lands and how to apply their wisdom into your daily life to restore balance. 

Tools for Sustained Well-Being

  • You will walk away with a deeper understanding of your Natal Birth Chart and Magi Cards as well as being equipped with practices that you can incorporate into your daily life to maintain balance and harmony.

The Dreaming House

Behind a gated wall in the village of San Sebastian Xolopan, adjacent to the ancient city of Teotihuacan, lies the Casa de los Sueños.

Within its spacious compound are a dozen rooms decorated with the art of Mexico’s past, both recent and distant.

The rooms have modern conveniences, but no modern annoyances.  There are no “cookie-cutter” rooms at The Dreaming House. Rooms are large and feature ceramic tile and many unique wall murals and pictures add to the gracious, family atmosphere. One expects time to stretch and space to bend when at the Dreaming House.

In the Teaching Salon, adorned with symbols of spiritual significance you’ll find your safe and sacred space for the week. Here, we’ll share our dreams and visions, and deepen the remembrance of our true nature. Through experiences that blend ancient wisdom with personal discovery, the Salon becomes both a quiet sanctuary and a crucible for growth and enlightenment.

Miracles seem normal, and are. The Dreaming House (La Casa de los Sueños) a magical place for our magical time together.

Fiesty worthy food!

Meals are taken family-style in La Cocina. The traditional kitchen is staffed by family members, led by your hostess, Veronica Contla Galicia. Two meals (breakfast and early supper) with set menus and bottled water (for rooms and day excursions) are included as well as a light evening snack.

Meals will include traditional Mexican cuisine, featuring tamales, mixiotes, pozole, nopalitos, flan, and more. Dinner may also include beer and tequila (not included in retreat price). Traditional breakfasts include such dishes as scrambled eggs (sometimes Mexican-style) or hotcakes, frijoles, fresh tortillas, juice, and coffee.

Vegetarian meals can be provided with advance notice. 

Day One- September 19: Arrival and Welcome

Your first day of the Equinox Experience begins with getting aquainted with the amenities of our home away from home and settling into the beautiful surroundings at the Dreaming House. The first afternoon provides a perfect time to meet and get to know other participants as well.

After our first "cena" (dinner) together, you will experience a welcome ceremony like no other!

Prepare to enter into a beautiful week of balancing your energies, deep meaningful connection, and powerful tranformative experiences!

Day Two- September 20: Discover the Ancient Capitol of the Toltecs

During The Equinox Experience retreat, you will embark on a transformative excursion to Tula, an ancient Toltec city renowned for its majestic Atlantean statues and mystical energy. Tula, once a thriving center of Toltec civilization, holds deep spiritual significance and offers profound insights into balancing one's energy.

As you explore this sacred land, you will be immersed in the wisdom of the Toltecs, known for their advanced understanding of energy, spirituality, and the cosmos. The towering Atlantean statues, representing Toltec warriors, stand as guardians of ancient knowledge and serve as a reminder of the power within each of us to overcome challenges and achieve balance.

The day in Tula will begin with a guided meditation and teachings on Toltec principles, focusing on harmonizing your energy centers. By connecting with the energy of this revered site, you will learn to release negative patterns and invite positive, life-affirming energy into you life. The Toltec wisdom emphasizes the importance of aligning mind, body, and spirit, providing practical tools to maintain this balance long after the retreat ends.

This enriching experience at Tula will not only deepen your understanding of ancient traditions but also empower you to bring harmony and balance back into your life.

Day Three- September 21: Discover Mexico City's Wonders

After a morning of energetic alignment together at the Dreaming House, immerse yourself in the vibrant heart of Mexico City. Stroll through the historic Zócalo, marvel at the grandeur of the Metropolitan Cathedral, and feel the energy of ancient civilizations at the Templo Mayor.

For art enthusiasts, the Frida Kahlo Museum offers a captivating glimpse into the life and works of Mexico's iconic artist. Wander through the picturesque streets of Coyoacán, where colonial charm meets bohemian flair. Indulge your senses with delicious street food at La Merced Market or unwind in the serene Chapultepec Park, home to the stunning Chapultepec Castle and a beautiful lake.

Whether you're exploring cultural treasures, savoring local cuisine, or simply soaking in the lively atmosphere, your free afternoon in Mexico City promises to rejuvenate your spirit and enhance your journey towards energy alignment.

Day Four- September 22nd: Experience the Magic of Teotihuacan

On the day of the Fall Equinox, you will journey to the ancient pyramids of Teotihuacan, a UNESCO World Heritage site famed for its awe-inspiring Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon. Our guided tour will delve into the rich history and spiritual significance of this sacred city, once a major cultural and religious center.

Following the tour, you'll have the opportunity to explore Teotihuacan on your own, absorbing its powerful energy and majestic architecture. The highlight of this visit is a transformative rebirthing ceremony in the sacred caves beneath Teotihuacan. These caves, believed to be the womb of the earth by the ancient Teotihuacanos, provide a profound setting for this ritual.

The rebirthing ceremony will help you release old energies and embrace new beginnings, leaving you revitalized and aligned. This experience at Teotihuacan will not only deepen your connection to ancient wisdom but also empower you to restore balance and harmony in your life.

Day Five- September 23: Relax and Realign at Tolantongo Hot Springs

As part of The Equinox Experience retreat, you will visit the enchanting Tolantongo hot springs, a natural wonder nestled in the mountains. The stunning turquoise pools and soothing thermal waters provide a perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Immersing yourself in these healing waters will help to release tension, reduce stress, and restore inner equilibrium. The mineral-rich springs are known for their therapeutic properties, promoting both physical and emotional well-being. 

This excursion to Tolantongo will not only dazzle your senses with its breathtaking beauty but also leave you feeling deeply relaxed, balanced, and revitalized.

Day Six- September 24: Intentional Integration

Today is reserved for a day of integration of all the experiences we've had! Choose to have a reiki session with Chloe or a a Magi reading with Andrea (additional optional expense) or spend your day with your journal and deep meditation or discussion with other participants. 

This day is all about YOU and allowing all that you've learned and experienced to settle in. 

What is it that you need today? Only you hold the answer, and it will arise from within you and your newly aligned energetic being. 

Lasting Impact

The Equinox Experience is for you if...

  • You want to restore balance to your life:  Engage in chakra alignment practices, guided meditations, and transformational rituals to bring harmony to your mind, body, and spirit.
  • You feel disconnected and seek deeper connection: discover ancient Toltec and Teotihuacan wisdom, and connect with like-minded individuals to foster a sense of community and belonging.
  • You need a break from the daily grind: Escape the stresses of everyday life with rejuvenating experiences, from exploring the pyramids of Teotihuacan to soaking in the healing waters of Tolantongo.
  • You crave a meaningful, culturally enriching adventure: Immerse yourself in the rich history and spiritual traditions of Mexico, from the sacred caves of Teotihuacan to the ancient city of Tula.
  • You seek personal growth and renewal: Participate in transformative ceremonies, like the rebirthing ritual, to release old energies and embrace new beginnings, empowering you to live a more balanced and fulfilled life.

Meet Your Facilitators

Before she began her entrepreneurial career as a storyteller, spiritual guide and Magi mentor, Andrea was a busy stay-at-home mom of three active kids, two dogs, and a husband where she managed our large home and fast-paced lifestyle in the midst of a hustle and bustle urban metropolis. 

After a series of life-chaning events, Andrea created Let Love Rise in 2021, as a way to process her divorce grief by publicly sharing her story. Her storytelling includes the 4 healing pillars of Let Love Rise which are a reflection of her ongoing healing journey: the moon, music, mindset, and the Magi.  

Along her journey back to joy, she has met spiritual teachers and guides who helped her transform her pain into the joyful, beautiful life that she lives today. She has also been awarded Teacher of the Year twice, became a credentialed Infinite Possibilities and Matrix trainer and is now certified Order of the Magi Card Reader and Mentor in Robert Lee Camp's The Science of the Cards program.

Today Andrea is passionate about helping others who have been through a divorce to return to a place of inner peace, confidence and authentic joy.



Chloe Pedalino

Chloe's mission is to bridge the gap between spirituality and mental well-being, making the profound insights of metaphysical wisdom accessible to all.

Her journey is a tapestry woven with threads of spirituality, mental health advocacy, and a deep familial connection to metaphysical exploration.

Raised in the Catholic tradition, her path took a significant turn when, at the age of 14, she delved into the esoteric teachings of Kabbalah. This early exploration ignited my passion for understanding the intricate workings of the human mind and laid the foundation for her future career in mental health.

Chloe is a Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki Master and has her ICRT Animal Reiki I & II certification through the International Center for Reiki Training.

Her latest passion project is the Source Within Podcast. Learn more about the Sacred Ley Lines of Teotihuacan in podcast- Ley Lines, Vortices, and Portals on Spotify!

Equinox Bonuses


  • Build a deeper connection with everyone on a pre-trip Zoom call. Get directions on how to set your intent and begin the process of the retreat before we leave. Find out how to make best use of your time in this place of power.


  • Ease your re-entry home, maintaining your momentum and transformation with one post-trip group call. Avoid getting pulled back into old habit patterns, integrate your new learnings and experiences, and solidify the expression of your authentic self.


  • Turn your embodied wisdom into practical applied knowledge. Integrate your experience via our post retreat call where the Andrea & Chloe will provide assistance to maintain your equilibrium as you re-enter your daily life & answer questions on how to integrate lessons learned while in Teotihuacan.

What's included

  • A marvelous home-like environment for six nights (double occupancy), where you feel like part of the family, on private and secluded grounds in an authentic village setting.
  • Homemade traditional Mexican meals made fresh daily – six scrumptious breakfasts, five luscious lunches, and six delectable dinners served at The Dreaming House – plus tea, coffee and bottled water at any time of the day.
  • Magical, guided experiences and teachings for five full days by the pyramids and ceremonial chambers on ancient sacred sites.
  • Daily alchemical gatherings and classes and lots of deep conversation all week!
  • Powerful ceremonies at sacred caves few tourists ever visit, deepening your profound inner journey.
  • All entrance fees to the pyramid complex and other included activities.
  • Group Transportation to and from the airport at designated times, arriving on September 19th and departing on September 25th.

What's not included

  • Your round-trip airfare from home.
  • Personal, medical or trip cancellation insurance (highly recommended!)
  • Personal taxi transport to the airport outside of scheduled group transport.
  • Between-meal snacks and alcoholic beverages.
  • Meals and beverages at restaurants other than the Dreaming House.
  • Tips and gratuities.
  • Taxi transport and entrance fees for any private, individual trips.
  • Souvenirs, phone calls, spa services, taxis, laundry, etc.
  • Optional Reiki Session with Chloe on the day of Integration
  • Optional Magi Reading with Andrea on the day of Integration
Teotihuacan, State of Mexico, Mexico
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