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Yoga + Voice + Breath + Healing Arts Retreat in Costa Rica

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Retreat Leader - Persefoni Aishwarya


 As a child, Persefoni had always been fascinated by her fellow human beings: She felt a strong urge to understand them and to explore human nature so as, through this knowledge, to be able to help people by contributing to their evolution towards a higher ideal. At first, she tried to approach these concepts and goals through her University education, by pursuing a degree in Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Athens. However, she soon realized that this academic approach was not enough. Thus, began her journey of inner exploration, her personal odyssey of self-knowledge, which in 2004 led her to meditation. 

Through the splendid practice of meditation she was soon led to Yoga. Yoga made her realize that all Powers and Truths of the Universe reside within human beings, within ourselves. This is how after 5 years of intense meditation practice and many travels to India – the mother of Yoga – she got even more in touch with the qualities and philosophy of Yoga. In India she visited many different ashrams and met many yoga teachers who inspired her even more to proceed down the yogic path. She discovered that Yoga is the path which unites the external with the internal, the higher with the lower – which is precisely what the meaning of the word is in Sanskrit: Union. 

Her approach to Yoga is s a form of a holistic approach which impacts upon all levels of human beings – the physical/material, the emotional and the intellectual. She offers classes that combine practices from Ηatha Yoga, Satyananda Yoga and Vinyasa. Her practice and classes of Yoga are powered by the insight that it helps human beings discover their roots and the deeper causes of the issues that concern them, at the same time while offering practices and valuable solutions which can help them grow and progress spiritually by bringing them closer to their true nature – happiness. 

She has already completed 620 hours of yoga teacher education and her classes have a dynamic character and combine physical with meditative practice. During the classes, we approach yoga with respect and gratitude, appreciating the physical vitality and vigor but also the esoteric knowledge that this practice can gracefully reveal to us. 

- From 2018 is an active member of Conscious Yoga Academy and she teaches in Yoga Teacher Trainings. 

- 2012 she trained at the system of Satyananda Yoga , in Satyananda Ashram of Greece 

- Hatha Yoga with Linda Kapetaniou at studio yoga “Lotos” 

- 2014 Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga with Sue Elkind at N.Y.S.Y.S studio 

- Kids Yoga with Christina Matsi at flowerkidsyoga 

- Nada and Mantra Yoga Training with Michael Evaggelidi (Mahatman) and Stelio Karpathaki (Anandajyoti) at Nada Yoga Place 

- Yoga and depression with Swami Sivamurti Saraswati at Satyananda Ashram Greece 

- Yoga and neck – back issues with Mahatman Michael Evaggelidi at Satyananda Ashram Greece 

- Theta Healing with Maria Telidou 

- Scaravelli Yoga workshop with Diane Long 

- Bach Flower Remedy certification with Gaia Dimitriou from Bach Center (England) 

- Clinical aromatherapy Essential Vitae with Maria Zorzou 

- Seminars about nutrition, sound healing, reiki 2nd degree, relationship coaching, dealing with death and all kind of fears, and various other self improvement seminars that had provided her valuable tools for her evolution and her lessons. 

What is Transformational Travel & Healing Arts?

What is Transformational Travel?

Transformational travel is intentionally travelling to stretch, learn, and grow. It’s a chance to embrace new experiences which will have a positive impact on our lives, the people around us, and the world, long after returning home. It can be the catalyst for amazing life changes, and maybe even a great awakening.

What is Healing Arts?

The healing arts are creative practices that promote healing, wellness, coping and personal change. The link between art and medicine goes back centuries, but only over the past few decades has science confirmed what humans have always intuitively felt— that the mere presence of art is proven to reduce stress, improve recovery time, decrease anxiety, and increase satisfaction.

Retreat Leader - Jacelyn Holmes

Canadian singer/songwriter, actress and entrepreneur, has spent over 15 years guiding people on a journey of their own profound transformational powers through the act of voice, breathing and the ancient practice of the healing arts.

Jacelyn is most passionate about reminding her clients and retreat participants that transformation and healing doesn't always have to be so serious. Playfully guiding them with their own imagination and, through the act of creating, understanding that ALL is by design; so we can create a better world for ourselves, those around us and beyond. Leaving creative and loving legacies.

Jacelyn has been in Costa Rica since she was 12 years old, and now lives between Nafplio, Greece and Costa Rica.

Founder of Our Song Retreats

Vetted speaker and facilitator for Synergy - The Retreat Show, 2022. Held in Ibiza, Spain. 

Hundreds of five star reviews from returning clients and retreat participants.

Certified Voice & Breath Coach - Canadian National Voice Intensive - Dr. David Smuckler

Theatre & Fine Arts Bachelor Degree 

CHEF Gitte Meldgaard

Chef Gitte Meldgaard

Born and raised in Denmark, filmmaker and Photographer Gitte Meldgaard moved to London as a teenager and began her career as fashion director for Attitude. She then helped launch the influential fashion, art and lifestyle publication, Tank Magazine, before moving to Los Angeles where she worked as a costume designer for feature films and became an in-demand stylist for major music stars, including P!nk, Usher, Christina Aguilera, and Aerosmith. After a brief tenure as fashion editor for Sportswear International in Milan she returned to L.A. and launched a successful photography career. Years into her photography carrier she started to feel that Fashion no longer fulfilled her and she became interested in helping people heal using nutrition to reverse so called “incurable diseases” she became passionate spreading the knowledge about the powerful link between our health and the nutrition we choose to put into our mouths.” “We have been taught to believe that food doesn’t matter”. When people come down with various diseases and ask their doctors about what diet they should eat, they are usually given the misleading advice that make the condition worse (some are waking up and finally recommending a plant-based diet for various conditions) but oftentimes, the hospital food is the absolute WORST food-recovering patients should be eating. People are often so confused as to what to eat because they are getting so much confusing information from seemingly “credible sources.” But the proof is in the budding as Hippocrates put it “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” My advice would be to take the next step and EAT THEM UNCOOKED OR RAW whenever possible. Raw food is food that is uncooked, unheated, unprocessed, and most ideally organic. A list down the major benefits of raw food!Food, like fruits and vegetables, naturally has live enzymes, which are very sensitive to heat. Basically you are killing the enzymes or the life force when you cook food at temperatures above 118 degrees. These enzymes help break down the food you eat and also help your body to absorb the nutrients from the food. Most Raw recipes are very quick and easy to make so it’s actually timesaving, Better digestion Plant-based food has natural fiber and contain antioxidants. These fibrous raw foods help in digestion by cleaning your intestines and regulating your bowel movements. That means you don’t have to worry about constipation at all! Another benefit of raw food is the antioxidants. Our bodies have accumulated lots and lots of toxins over time because of the cooked food we have consumed in our lives. Because the enzymes have already been destroyed, nothing is aiding our body in the digestion of the food we eat. So our body takes more time to digest and all the toxins it could not eliminate build up. The antioxidants work to remove all these toxins that are slowly poisoning our bodies. Another of the benefits of eating raw food is that you will feel less tired and sleepy. You get to wake up in the morning ready to take on the day without that feeling of wanting to sleep in. With a proper raw food diet, it feels like you’re energized the entire day. One reason is because with a proper raw food diet, your body won’t have to use more energy and work harder at digesting the food that you eat. Protein that comes from plant-based foods are also much easier for your body to digest and absorb. And even when you’re full, you won’t feel heavy. You will also be able to sleep well because you won’t be constipated. Weight loss You can eat substantially when you’re on a raw food diet. You will lose weight mainly because your body will get rid of all the toxins it has accumulated. Yet once you adapt to the raw food lifestyle, you won’t have to worry about storing toxins anymore because your body will regularly get rid of them everyday. A lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and other raw food are also low on calories but packed with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, so you will be able to sustain weight loss without going on a hunger strike! These weight loss benefits of raw food are actually healthy and natural.