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TTC Camino de Santiago

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7 DAYS $2195
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Day #1: Arrival to Sarria

Our journey starts in the historic town of Sarria, in the province of Lugo - the place where we will start walking tomorrow. Today, you can enjoy a first day strolling through its streets, discovering its monuments or relaxing in one of its terraces enjoying a lively pilgrim atmosphere. Let yourself be invaded by the thousands of sensations and emotions of nerves and joy that you will experience as soon as you arrive. In the evening we will have a welcome dinner reception before we settle in for the night. Tomorrow, the adventure begins!

Day2: Walking from Sarria to Portomarín (13 miles)

We’re off to our first day as pilgrims! We will start our French Way by walking the first stage from Sarria to Portomarín, an easy and pilgrim-friendly itinerary. We will cross rivers and forests and find small churches and villages, with plenty of places to stop and have a drink. Pilgrims say that this is one of the most beautiful stages of the French route, so you know, lucky to start here. As soon as we arrive on the banks of the river Miño, we will find the charming village of Portomarín, resplendent with its white houses and slate roofs. An end of stage that we will fall in love with, and that keeps a secret under the waters of the reservoir. All we have to do now is relax and enjoy!

Day3: Walking from Portomarín to Palas de Rei (15 miles)

On this day we will head to Palas de Rei, a stage with some unevenness in which you will combine road and mountain along 25 kilometres. During the tour we will discover the Castromaior site, a good example of a settlement of the ancient inhabitants of Galicia. Once in Palas de Rei, you will have the opportunity to visit several archaeological remains of the megalithic culture such as dolmens, as well as mámoas and castros. As you can see, Palas de Rei will offer us a very didactic stay about this land.

Day4: Walking from Palas de Rei to Arzúa (18 miles)

This is the longest stage of the French Way within the Galician community, 29 kilometres separate you from our destination, so we recommend taking it easy and enjoying the surroundings, as it is also one of the most beautiful stretches of the route. Already in the province of A Coruña, dirt roads, lush forests and medieval bridges will guide our way to Santiago de Compostela. For every pilgrim it is obligatory to make a stop in Melide, capital of the Galician octopus; in any of its many 'pulperías' we will be able to taste this delicacy of the Galician gastronomy. After recovering our strength, the last kilometres will not involve much effort and once we reach Arzúa we will have the rest of the day to rest body and mind. Once we get to Arzúa, you should not miss tasting the typical cheese to which it gives its name: Denomination of Origin Arzúa-Ulloa; accompanied by other typical products of the area.

Day5: Walking from Arzúa to O Pedrouzo (12 miles)

Today begins the penultimate stage of your French Way. A pleasant walk through comfortable and flat terrain, with plenty of bars and restaurants that will encourage you to take it easy. Probably, as we walk, you will notice and realize that a kind of collective emotion begins to exist among the pilgrims. Do you feel it too? The feeling of excitement, nerves and joy is the most characteristic of the end of the stage in O Pedrouzo. The advice, and you will see that everyone does the same, is to go to bed early to get up early the next day and start the stage very early. This way you will arrive earlier to Santiago and you will have more time in the city.

Day6: Walking from O Pedrouzo to Santiago de Compostela (14 miles)

At last the last stage of your journey is here. As said before, the sooner we start walking today the better, because the sooner we will get to Santiago de Compostela. Once we arrive at Monte do Gozo, you will discover that pleasant sensation when you first see the towers of the cathedral. A perfect panoramic view before savouring our last kilometres and making the triumphal entrance to the Plaza del Obradoiro. You are in Santiago! Feel happy and proud to have completed your Camino de Santiago. Now we just need to pick up the Compostela certificate and enjoy an incredible day getting to know the Galician capital.

Day7: Departure

This morning after breakfast and check out, you will then have a little free time before heading to Santiago Airport for your flight home.