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Transformative Wisdom Retreat for Better Tourism

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Monday, October 21st | The Arrival

12:00 PM Welcome refreshments

12:30 PM Lunch and Intro to Team

1:15 PM Intro to the TTC

2:00 PM Orientation

3:00 PM “If you really knew me”

4:00 PM Owning Wisdom, facilitated by Chip Conley

6:00 PM 6.30 Onward -- Dinner

Tuesday, October 22nd

7:00 AM Spiritual Health + Campus tour

9:00 AM Breakfast

10:00 AM Logistics & Circle

11:00 AM Tuning the TTC Theory of Action | Self + Spirit, Others + Bridging, Systems + Stewardship

1:15 PM Lunch

2:00 PM Free time

3:00 PM How to be a Modern Elder facilitated by Chip Conley 

5:30 PM Restorative Activity (Sound Bath, Yoga Nidra, etc.)

7:00 PM Dinner and Fireside Music

Wednesday, October 23rd

7:00 AM Meditation

7:30 AM Breakfast

8:30 AM Owning Wisdom, facilitated by Chip Conley

10:00 AM Logistics & Circle

11:00 AM The Anatomy of a Transition, facilitated by Chip Conley

1:15 PM Lunch

2:00 PM Free time

3:00 PM The Transformation Economy as a Pathway to Personal and Societal Change

5:30 PM Become a TTC Partner in Change 

6:30 PM Onward -- Pizza Dinner in the Garden


Thursday, October 24th | The Departure

7:00 AM Closing Circle and Where Next?

8:30 AM Breakfast & Departures


Meet Jake Haupert, Founder and CEO at The Transformational Travel Council

Jake Haupert is a recognized figure in the field of transformational travel. He co-founded many conscious travel companies and is the CEO of the Transformational Travel Council and Chair of its Institute. He is an experienced, purpose-driven leader dedicated to helping travelers deepen self-awareness through travel and expanding the collective consciousness through tourism.

He has deep expertise in the emerging transformation economy, transformative experience strategy and design, and regenerative leadership and development. Through public courses, private training, speaking, and consulting, Jake and the TTC are reshaping and retooling tourism to provide more holistic value while unlocking its unique potential for personal and societal change.

Jake believes that systemic issues threaten tourism's ability to be additive rather than extractive in our lives and society, and is passionately working to help tourism organizations and destinations stretch, learn, and grow into new ways of being and engaging the world. With unique insight and practical and proven techniques, tactics, and metrics, tourism can become fair, just, compassionate, and regenerative while generating enduring value for all.

He's an activist and fiercely dedicated to family, community, his dogs, and the experience of feeling alive and helping humanity reach its highest potential.

Meet Chip Conley, Founder and CEO at MEA

Chip Conley is on a mission. After disrupting the hospitality industry twice, first as the founder of Joie de Vivre Hospitality, the second-largest operator of boutique hotels in the world, and then as Airbnb’s Head of Global Hospitality and Strategy, leading a worldwide revolution in travel, Conley co-founded Modern Elder Academy in January 2018.

Inspired by his experience of intergenerational mentoring as a ‘modern elder’ at Airbnb, where his guidance was instrumental to the company’s extraordinary transformation from fast-growing start-up to the world’s most valuable hospitality brand, Modern Elder Academy is the first-ever ‘midlife wisdom school.’ Dedicated to reframing the concept of aging, Modern Elder Academy supports students to navigate midlife with a renewed sense of purpose and possibility. Modern Elder Academy has more than 3,000 alumni from 42 countries and 26 regional chapters globally and is is expanding to the United States with a new campus and regenerative community slated for Santa Fe, New Mexico to open in 2024.

Conley is also the award-winning author of New York Times bestseller Emotional Equations, alongside Peak: Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow, The Rebel Rules, Marketing That Matters: 10 Practices to Profit Your Business and Change the World, and Wisdom at Work: The Making of a Modern Elder, which forms the core of the Modern Elder Academy's curriculum. Conley's book A Year of Wisdom coming out this year is based on daily inspiration and insight from his Wisdom Well blog. Learning to Love Midlife, a book about rebranding midlife to help people understand a life stage that is misunderstood, will be released in January 2024.

A near death experience survivor, Conley is the recipient of hospitality’s highest honor, the Pioneer Award, and was named the Most Innovative CEO in the San Francisco Bay Area by the San Francisco Business Times. He is the founder of the Celebrity Pool Toss that supports families in the Tenderloin neighborhood where he opened his first hotel, and San Francisco’s Hotel Hero Awards. Chip holds a BA and MBA from Stanford University, and an honorary doctorate in psychology from Saybrook University. He serves on the board of, and the advisory board for the Stanford Center for Longevity.